I have recently discovered the following fact:
Studies have shown that frogs and chinchillas have auditory categorical perception.
My speech science professor told us this in class, and I didn't believe it until I checked on google scholar. Not the categorical perception thing—that's not too surprising, really. What's weird is that people are actually studying the categorical perception of frogs and chinchillas. They're sitting frogs and chinchillas down in labs and playing them different sounds to figure out if they can tell the difference between tiny differences in the sounds. Frogs, maybe that's a little understandable, if weird, but chinchillas?! Chinchillas can't even get wet. Why on earth would anyone test the categorical perception of a chinchilla?
Science continues to astound me.
In a recent British study, science has also determined that James Bond drinks too much and is " at risk of early death from alcohol": http://www.cnn.com/2013/12/12/health/james-bond-alcohol/index.html?hpt=hp_bn13