I was at my friend's house yesterday and had a pretty awesome interaction with her daughter, who is about two years old. She was sitting on my lap, and she started fiddling with the cross I was wearing. Confused that it was just a cross, not a crucifix with an image of the Lord on it, she asked:
Two: Where Jesus?
Me: Hmm?
Two: Where Jesus? (holds up the empty cross, confused)
Me: Oh, this is the cross after He was raised up.
Two: He raise up?
Me: Yep, He's raised up.
Two: I eat it. (puts cross in her mouth)
Me: (pulling the cross out of her mouth) No, no, you don't eat the cross. You eat Jesus.
Two: I eat Jesus?
Me: Yes, but later.
Two: I eat cookie?
Me: Yes, let's go eat a cookie.
This has been Catholic conversations with a two-year-old: the part of the show were a two-year-old has a very Catholic conversation.
Woo! Activate John 6:22-69!!!