Saturday, November 23, 2013


Me and Roommate went to watch The Hunger Games:  Catching Fire midnight premiere showing on November 22nd at 12:01 am (brilliant, by the way—intensely scary, dark, and freaky, and brilliantly done)—I was crying for, like, half the movie.  I highly recommend it; my hats are off to the whole production team.

And today, November 23rd, is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who (I think I will get to watch it with my family this evening, if all goes well—or at least as soon as possible)!

Two additional excitement factors: in between these epic events, I got to see MRI scans of my professor's brain and also went to my church's Friday evening charismatic prayer service after Mass (which involves a lot of dancing).  AND I am about to get on a plane to go home to visit my family for Thanksgiving week!

Now all we need is some Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, and Lord of the Rings added to the mix.  Let's see....  I shall wear my Hufflepuff sweatshirt and also the One Ring and wield my lightsaber while fighting off the Borg and reciting lines from that fencing scene in The Princess Bride......  Maybe I should calm down a little during my flight back home.  I might scare the flight attendants.

*insert epic battle against the Borg here—well, actually, really it's a giant packing and housecleaning spree done to nerd music*

*Happy and exhausted, the Wug Tamer slumps onto the couch.*  Well, that's done.  Now I just have to be patient until it's time to watch Doctor Who.......

I am the MOST excited nerd!  As you read these words, I am doing the very-excited-nerd dance.  I don't really care when you're reading the words—I'm probably still doing the very-excited-nerd dance.

1 comment:

  1. Could you be the one Dr. Who fan that is glad the movie was delayed in America so you could watch it with your family?

    (P.S. I know this is the first thoughtful comment for your post that I have had in awhile. I need to pick up my creativity mojo....)


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